Bofa Help: What age is suitable for BOFA? - KS2 | Marked Online KS2 Tests | Adaptive, AI led testing | Bespoke Practice | Retests

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What age is suitable for BOFA?

Good question!

BOFA KS2 is suitable for children between the ages of 8 and 12.

The KS2 Material follows the new Key Stage 2 National Curriculum and is benchmarked at the old Levels 3 - 6.

BOFA 11+ is suitable for children in Year 5 who are preparing for entrance exams and children in Year 6 who are preparing for pre-tests and pre-assessments.

There can be a bit of difference between some of the 11-plus tests that are set. Our different levels of testing and learning make sure your child is prepared for whatever comes up. BOFA 11 is where everyone starts. BOFA 11+ is a little harder, and BOFA 11++ contains questions that are tougher to answer. As your child progresses through the levels their grade percentages may not stay as high. This is normal. 

The KS2 material goes beyond that of the 11+ in terms of difficulty but begins much easier, so you may want to consider using this if your child has already completed all of the 11+ tests.

BOFA® Pretests are on and are used prior to the ISEB Common Pre-Test to give a pupils practice at doing tests in this format.