Why can't my child move on?
Why Can't My Child Access The BOFA Tests?
This might be because you are not logged into their pupil account, you are actually logged into your parent account.
To check that this is not the problem, check that you are not in your parent account. If you can see 'Manage all people' as an option when you go to the 'My Account' page, you are in the wrong account and your child won't be able to access the tests from here.
If you didn't know that your child had a seperate account to your own, you can find their login details by going into 'Manage Children' in your account. By clicking the button that says 'Edit' next to their name, you will be able to find out more about their login details. You can find out more about this here.
Alternatively, your child will not be able to access the tests if you don't have a subscription.
To check if you have a subscription with BOFA, go into 'My Subscriptions' in your parent account.
If you don't have a subscription, or if your subscription has expired, you can purchase a new one in the shop. These are taken out on fixed term or monthly bases, you can find out more about subscriptions here.
Why Can't My Child Move Onto The Next Test?
If your child is active on your subscription and logged into their own account, they might not have finished the previous test.
There are 3 stages to each test within the BOFA platform.
Initial Test → Practice Stage → Retest
The main point of the formative learning platform is this retest stage. This is the stage that builds on what the pupil has learnt and generates a report about what the pupil still does not know. It is incredibly important that the pupil completes this stage of the test.
If your child is working through the adaptive tests, once they have completed the Practice Stage then they should click the button 'Ready for next stage'. This will add the retest to the schedule, in the meantime they will continue with the next Initial Test.
If your child is working through the non-adaptive tests we recommend they leave a few days between the Practice Stage and the Retest, once the Retest has been completed they can move onto the next Initial Test. In the meantime they can work on another subject.
The practice questions and retest questions are different to the initial questions. Unless a pupil retakes a test, they will never do the same question twice.